I should have seen it coming, I should have been prepared, but it still came as a shock when Google Chrome told me my blog had been blacklisted as a potential source of malware. Initially I didn't know what to do. Ignore the warning and go to the site, taking the risk that I'd...
Thinking Differently to Motivate Independent Learning
Inspired by a session at the Physics Summer School, I decided to try a 'creative thinking' exercise with my new S6 Advanced Higher pupils. Giving them the theme of 'Successful Learners', I asked them to spend a couple of minutes, individually and in silence, writing down all of the things they thought necessary for learning to be successful....
Must blog properly soon....
Been ages since I last posted, or at least it seems that way. I've been busy. Too busy. Apart from the apparently endless cycle of reports, I've done a few things I meant to blog at the time, but didn't get around to. In no particular order, I have - Attended Teachmeet Perth CfE -...
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